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www.testdaf.de offers comprehensive information about the test of German as a Foreign Language. Those who need TestDaF for admission to university studies in Germany can find out when and where to take the TestDaF and how best to prepare for it.
www.testas.de is the information and access page of the TestAS the Test for Academic Studies. A comprehensive overview of TestAS test centres in Germany and all around the world is also available on www.testas.de.
www.daad.de is the website of the German Academic Exchange Service. DAAD offers varied information to those who want to study or research in Germany.
www.deutsch-uni.com is the German learner portal of Deutsch-Uni Online. If you want to learn German online, prepare for studies in Germany or for TestDaF, you will find German classes supervised by experienced tutors. Special courses teach German for special purposes and expert knowledge of selected disciplines, such as Engineering or Economics.
www.goethe.de is the website of the cultural institute of Germany, present all over the world. Goethe Institutes and Centres in more than 90 countries cultivate intercultural exchange and mediate a comprehensive picture of Germany by providing information about cultural, social and political life.
www.distributed-campus.org is the E-learning Portal of the Free University of Berlin. Distributed Campus prepares international students who plan to study at the Free University of Berlin for their stay in Berlin thoroughly academically, linguistically and organisationally.
www.inobis.de is a portal for international study applicants. INOBIS contains two databases: the Zeugnis-Datenbank provides information about the assessment of foreign university entrance qualifications in Germany, and the Bewerbungscheckliste (application check list) informs about courses of study, departments and degrees at uni-assist universities. You can also apply directly to uni-assist universities.
www.studieren.de is Germany's leading study information portal. Applicants, students and graduates get an overview as well of all german study programs and colleges as important information about financing studies and job search. Internationally www.studieren.de is expanding to a paneuropean study guidance.
www.study-in-germany.de is a comprehensive information portal for international students, academics and researchers in Germany offered by Deutsche Welle. Study in Germany is published in German and English as well as six other languages.
www.uni-assist.de assists international study applicants with the application for admission to German universities. The online application service allows you to apply to more than 90 universities in Germany.