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Information about Language Requirements
In order to study in Germany you normally need evidence of your knowledge of the German language.
The certificates required specifically for admission to a German university are:
- "Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache" (Test of German as a Foreign Language, TestDaF) and
- "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang" (German Language Exam for Academic Purposes, DSH)
If you prepare for university studies at one of the preparatory colleges (Studienkollegs) in Germany, you will take the "Feststellungsprüfung." If you pass the language part of this examination ("Prüfungsteil Deutsch"), it is considered equivalent to DSH and TestDaF.
Students who successfully passed the "Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz, Stufe II" German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Culture, Level II, DSD II), do not need any other German language examination.